Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Time for an 80's fighting movie style montage.


I have been mostly working on mah fitness for the last couple of weeks, since the Cardiologist has told me I need to start walking a little bit each day.

So...I decided I'm going to start walking to the post box down the end of my road each day, and when I start getting better I'll walk to the next one - a bit further on and keep that up.

Since I'm going to the post box I'll be sending out loads of postcards, stickers, photos and stupid letters to people. So if you fancy one send me your address. I'm on twitter as @sarawezzie if you want to tweet me all your personal details (I take bank details too...or just an address.)

I'm improving bit by bit each day. Walking to that sodding box almost killed me on the first go. But a week later and I can do it without any chest pain or breathlessness. 

I've lost about a stone and a half since going into hospital in April. So I feel pretty good about that. My diet has completely changed since coming out too (out of hospital, not as a homosexual).

Next post is going to be a healthy heart diet one! I would do it today, but I can't be fucked. I'm tired after a full on morning, so I'm gunna go hang out with this furry face.

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