Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Letter of doomy doom doom.

I know I said I'd do a post on healthy heart food today...but I've just had a letter from my cardiologist that made my heart sink.

She talked about how the improvement in my heart function (EF remember?) was common in acute cases once drugs were administered.

Acute....that one fucking word sent me into a spiral of panic. I mean, I knew it was bad, I couldn't breathe properly when they took me into hospital and while stuck on the ward I could see my heart rate was the highest there by quite a way.

But being reminded of that by this one word...acute. Not just acute though. My symptoms were 'very acute'.


The letter also confirms the waiting I have to do. She doesn't want to guess the 'degree of my dysfunction' yet.

I'll have my next scan in September. If I'm improving that's great. I just carry on. But if not...then I get a little machine put in my chest to make sure my heart doesn't just stop. But if it gets worse, then I go on the transplant list.

Today is a day where I just want to sob hysterically and scream at everything. This is not fair. This shit is just so-not-fair. I'm only 27, I do not want to die young. I have SO many things I want to do with my life before they take me underground kicking and screaming 'I DON'T WANT TO GO ON THE CART!!'

I hate having to wait for so long to know if I'm going to slowly get better. I hate worrying every single sodding time my chest twinges. I hate that I am constantly checking my pulse absent-mindedly. I hate that I feel like a fucking invalid. And I really hate that sometimes I give in to all this uncertainty and just break down.

The doc also talks about how I have a narrow complex fucking idea what that is!

I wish in these letters they'd try and explain the terminology more. To make it less terrifying! But I trust my cardiologist, and I know there's fuck all I can do in the meantime.

So I just keep going, and I'll try to ignore this traitor in my chest who's let me down so very badly.

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