Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Money, money, money....MONEEEEEY!

It has been a big couple of weeks for me!

I've tried to start getting back to work. I'm a freelance editor and writer, mainly in comics...the publishing side, but a bit of journalist stuff too. I've missed working. I have tired to keep up with a bit of it, but to be honest it's just been too much.

It's odd how this heart business has affected my work. It's the fatigue that has had a massive knock on effect, I have days where I'm too tired to get out of bed, let alone stare at a laptop screen, intently looking for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors (I know I'm guilty of that in this blog) 

I finally think I'm going to have a regular writing gig, which will help so much at the moment. I was due to go back to work the Monday after I went into hospital. This was a big deal. I'd spent two years struggling with freelance after being too ill to do an office job.

I suffered (unknowingly) with endometriosis for six years, after having my operation in February I'd started feeling so much better (I used to pass out from the pain at random, with no warning) and I decided to go back to work.

Before getting into publishing I worked in the theatre, my first love. I was a producer and events type person, I wanted to go back to that and keep comics on the side. No chance of that now. Events is a really high pressure and time consuming job that my body just isn't up to any more.

I get a little sad about that, but I love working in publishing so I'm going to just keep pushing that forward.

I want an Eisner by the time I'm 35.

With the high of work came the low of the NHS. I have had a huge blow up with them. We are not friends. My follow up appointment with my cardiologist was moved from October to JANUARY! My scan is in September...I am not waiting until January to get my results. 

This scan will show if my heart is definitely improving, staying the same, or (God forbid) getting worse. If I have to wait 4 months for my results I will go insane.

I'm going to try and make sure my heart nurse can go over the results with me at the end of September...and if she can't then I'm going to be belligerent and move my scan to December/January time, and if they don't like it...TOUGH TITTIES.

Right...I'm off to write other stuff and eat more heart shaped strawberries. Laterz y'all

1 comment:

  1. That is crazy. You could damage your heart just worrying about your results all that time! Fuck that for a game of soldiers! xxx
